Edition details

Shinryaku! Ika-musume (侵略 (しんりゃく)!イカ (むすめ))
The invader comes from the bottom of the sea!

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Updated by Zéfling on Friday 6th May 2016, 00:32:53.

22 books

Number Title Publication type Date
1 1
standard 07/03/2008
2 2
standard 08/08/2008
3 3
standard 08/01/2009
4 4
standard 08/05/2009
5 5
standard 08/10/2009
6 6
standard 08/04/2010
7 7
standard 08/10/2010
8 8
standard 08/12/2010
9 9
standard 08/04/2011
10 10
standard 07/10/2011
11 11
standard 06/01/2012
12 12
standard 08/08/2012
12 12
limited 08/08/2012
13 13
standard 08/01/2013
14 14
standard 07/06/2013
14 14
limited 07/06/2013
15 15
standard 08/10/2013
16 16
standard 08/03/2014
17 17
standard 08/09/2014
17 17
Original Anime (Blu-ray) tsuki genteibanオリジナルビデオアニメ(Blu-ray)付限定版
limited 08/09/2014
18 18
standard 07/11/2014
19 19
standard 06/03/2015
20 20
standard 07/08/2015
21 21
standard 08/01/2016
22 22
standard 06/05/2016