Edition details

Seiken no Blacksmith (聖剣の刀鍛冶 (ブラックスミス))
The Sacred Blacksmith

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Updated by Zéfling on Wednesday 16th May 2018, 05:03:37.

10 books

Number Title Publication type Date
1 1
standard 23/06/2009
2 2
standard 23/10/2009
3 3
standard 23/03/2010
4 4
standard 22/09/2010
5 5
standard 23/03/2011
6 6
standard 22/11/2011
7 7
standard 23/08/2012
8 8
standard 23/08/2013
9 9
standard 23/02/2015
10 10
standard 23/02/2017